Monday, September 13, 2010

Sweet Home Alabama

I am a little behind in my posts but I thought I would share our trip to home to Alabama which was at the beginning of August.  Philip and I made the 16 hour drive to Alabama August 6th and enjoyed a wonderful vacation visiting all of our family and spending a few days by the water.  It was so wonderful! The saturday night night before we left my parents threw a birthday party for my 23rd birthday which is actually August 31st.  It was small but very special!  Philip's parents drove over as well as our friends Ross and Genny.  It was so much fun to be around them all together one more time before we left for Ohio.
Here comes Mom, Dad, James and Julie with the cake! :)
Emma loves cake and blowing out the candles! 
Ready to blow them out!
Ross and Genny (our friends who are unfortunately big Alabama fans)
love us very much and gave me Auburn socks for Baby Martin!
This was the best present of the night! Thank you Ross and Genny!
We love you too and I promise we will return the favor one day!! 

1 comment:

  1. Your hair is gorgeous!!! and those socks for Baby M are SUPER cute. Ross and Genny - you're so thoughtful! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mrs. Martin!!!
