Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fun adventures in Ohio... or Pennsylvania

Sorry for the long break in posting. I am still a bit behind in my posts...

Around the end of August Philip and I took an adventure to Pittsburgh with some friends we have met here, Nick and Emily. They are from Illinois and are both getting their Masters in Theology with Philip. They all agreed to take a break from studying and take fun friday trip.

We went raspberry picking outside the city and then ventured into Pittsburgh for the Ducky tour and dinner. We each picked 2 pints of berries and ate a few along the way :) It was a perfect day to see the city! The Ducky Tour goes through the city on a bus/boat. The bus/boat is an amphibious truck built by General Motors Corporation during WWII for transporting goods and soldiers over land and water. It was so cool to be on the land driving around and then suddenly the boat drove off the road into one of the 3 rivers surrounding pittsburgh. One interesting fact we learned is that Pittsburgh has the second most amount of bridges in the world. It is second to Venice, Italy!

Afterwards we went to dinner at Joe's Crab Shack for delicious seafood and completed the evening with ice cream for baby martin. It was a wonderful day getting to know our friends Nick and Emily laughing and sharing lots of stories from life in Illinois and Alabama :)

Yummy Raspberries :) 
Enjoying the sun picking berries

Nick and Emily picking berries
View of Pittsburgh from the water in the Ducky boat/bus

Steelers Stadium from the water
Here is another Ducky boat/bus passing by us

After the tour with Nick and Emily in front of our Duck boat

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