Friday, September 24, 2010

The Other Martin Family

Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin
I love many saints and I am always asking for their prayers constantly.  But while Philip and I were preparing for marriage we decided we needed to find a saint who would be our saint, a friend in heaven we could ask to pray constantly for our marriage and our family.  One day while praying that God would help us find that saint I stumbled across Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin who are the wonderful parents of St. Therese or Lisieux.  I was so excited for many reasons.  First of all they are married and were so holy which is perfect because we can look up to them in their marriage.  Secondly we all share the same last name...BONUS!  Thirdly, they prayed for their children and offered them up to God for his will to be done in their lives which is what philip and I were doing.  They did such an amazing job raising their family and teaching them to love God.  I mean, St. Therese, Doctor of the Church, is their daughter!  Not only that but all five of their children who lived (they had a few children die after birth), all girls, entered the religious life :)  Needless to say, we have fallen in love with the entire Martin family!

Continuing on with my story... We have been asking all of them to pray for our marriage and our family (Its funny how we started out trying to find one saint and we found a whole family of them).  As many of you know St. Therese's feast day is coming up October 1st.  

St. Therese
Philip and I have been so excited about our second sonogram and hopefully finding out the sex of our first child.  We had an appointment two days ago and were told we were measuring early by our first sonogram and our due date is February 12th :)  Dr. Gray told us we are about 19 weeks pregnant and should come in next week for our second sonogram!  We listened to the heart beat of our child which is always such an incredible blessing to hear it so loud and strong.  As we went to make our appointment for the sonogram the lady at the front desk asked if we could come in OCTOBER 1st at 1:30!!!!!!!  Holding back tears and much excitement I told her OF COURSE WE CAN! 

So... get ready everyone!  Next friday is going to be a wonderful day! 

St. Therese, Pray for us! 
Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin, Pray for us!  

The Martin Family
If you want to read more about Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin here is a link although I am sure I will be  posting more about them :) ,


  1. Love it Jenn! So exciting to find out, I think I'm going to have to wait another month, starting to get anxious! But so happy for you and that Martin connection, very cool!

  2. YES! GOD is sooooo good. He knows!!! Can't wait to read the next post with sonogram results. Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. Beautiful!!! We are praying for you guys!! :)
