Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Today is Ash Wednesday.  Joseph and I went to mass this morning and got our ashes :) 

I feel like Lent really snuck up on me this year.  I think I have been so excited about Josephs birthday I didn't realize it was a week before Ash Wednesday.  

Anyway, the past few days I have been trying to figure out what to give up for lent.  I saw this awesome advice which helped me decide what to give up....

"Resist Lenten promises that sound like new year's resolutions. God is more concerned about your heart than whether you eat cookies.” 
- Ennie Hickman

In high school and at the beginning of college my Lenten sacrifices were probably a little selfish.

What we give up is not supposed to help us loose weight or look better or even sound awesome.  It is supposed to help us become close to Christ so we may celebrate that he is risen at Easter and rejoice.  I remember giving up coke or wine (any alcohol) those were probably the toughest for me.   Im my life at that time I would have a coke every day at lunch and a glass of wine in the evening.  I'm not going to lie IT WAS TOUGH!! But it reminded me every day of Christ suffering and death for me.  Once Easter came I really had a sense of true rejoicing in Jesus rising from the dead.  

You can also add something to your day like going to daily mass, saying a daily rosary, or praying another 15 min more.  What a GREAT way to bring your heart closer to Christ.

Anyway I hope you have all figured out what to give up for lent.  Typing this all out really has me thinking about making sure at the end of Lent I know my heart is closer to Christ than today.  

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