Yesterday marked Joseph's 9 month birthday!
I CANNOT believe that he is nine months old... but he is. WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE???
Here are some things that Joseph has been up to in the past month :)
Joseph had his first real sickness :( It started out with a cold and then went into a fever that ended in pink eye and an ear infection. Poor baby. We had eye drops three times a day and bubble gum medicine.
He did great!! The hardest part was the fever and pink eye.
He was so brave during the whole thing and is now MUCH MUCH better!!
He is crawling around the house and I am having a hard time baby proofing fast enough!! If any mothers out there have baby proofing advice let me know! He took a three week break crawling while he was sick but now is back in action :) He is also pulling up... again where has the time gone??
His favorite toys are cars and trucks... figures.
And he learned to roll them around and make a car noise from his cousin Kolbe :)
He LOVES to play with his daddy. Daddy is so much fun and so silly!
He now has seven teeth and chews on EVERYTHING!
He also loves giving us kisses. At least thats what we think he is doing.
He puts his mouth on our cheeks or arms and blows giving us a "zerbert" or whatever you call them.
But we think they are sweet kisses :)
Thats all for now... Joseph is calling me to play with him :)
Hope you have a wonderful wednesday!